Tuesday, 28 October 2014

tuesday musings

Lately I feel like I am just floating along. I think that's what Fall does to me. The hot days of summer are long gone,  replaced with trees that rain colourful leaves, cool weather with a brisk but fresh air, and the promise of winter soon to follow. I'm pretty sure that I am currently in a Vegas hangover, and not the kind that involves drinking, because I didn't really do much of that.  The thought that last week I was surrounded by sunshine, cotton candy sunsets and palm trees really does give me a warm feeling of contentment and happiness.

I am in a constant state of having much to do, but the days pass too quickly. Playing house with my girl, laundry, dirty floors, emails and editing consume most of my time. I have a ton of things I want to share on here, my birthday (which was totally rad and 4 months ago), the fair, Thanksgiving, and of course Ellia's birthday, but moments like this sitting at the computer are few and far between. I want to read and comment on all of my favourite blogs and support my favourite mommy's, but typically a quick run through and photo scan is all I can muster. Since having Ellia, I've become an accidental procrastinator and am lacking in time management skills. Being home with her everyday (minus two days a week now, in which she attends daycare) is such a privilege and a joy, but also doesn't allow for other things like working, cleaning, and time to myself. I think I will forever be in a state of trying to find balance.

And because it's part of who I am, capturing a moment in time is so important to me, and having images to portray thoughts and feelings is kind of my jam, I had my lovely and talented sister take a few photos of me one afternoon. 

And sometimes I just need to shake it off. The judgement of others, passive aggressive behavior and comments and negativity have no place around here.

xox nat

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